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Who is singer Cesária Évora? Google Doodle honours 'Barefoot Diva'

    GOOGLE has replaced their daily doodle with a commemoration to singer Cesária Évora on what would have been her 78th birthday, but who is Cesária Évora, who was often known as the “Barefoot Diva”? Cesária Évora has been honoured by Google in their daily doodle, on what would have been her 78th birthday. She was kno ...Read more
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Amazon rainforest fires: global leaders urged to divert Brazil from 'suicide' path

International pressure may be the only way to stop the Brazilian government from taking a “suicide” path in the Amazon, one of the country’s most respected scientists has said, as the world’s biggest rainforest continues to be ravaged by thousands of deliberate fires. The large number of conflagrations – set illegally to clear and prepare land for crop ...Read more
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