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Smart Security Services

Jump offers affordable monthly memberships for sophisticated security systems all over Africa! Our motion sensors work day and night to protect you in your home, office, or warehouse. Regardless of distance, our intelligent systems, remote monitoring, neighbourhood patrols and AI keep tabs on everything within the secured perimeter.

Choose from different levels of contracts depending on what you need - access control and video monitoring? See some of our solutions below:

Facial recognition CCTV cameras

Jump is the global leader in facial recognition CCTV camera technology, empowering communities to live safer lives with advanced security solutions.

Our product is the world's first facial recognition, CCTV camera for Africa. Our system has an accuracy rate of well over 95% and features live update software where every update to the database will be current as soon as it happens.

Number plate recognition ANR

Jump is the leading provider for number plate recognition cameras, catching traffic violators with ease. Unique law enforcement technology protects your government's workload, giving them more time to focus on other important matters of crime and corruption.

We provide all levels of security for any situation; homeland security departments, large banks or retail companies can keep their locations safe without interruption by deploying one or many camera devices at once. Compatible with both mobile and stationary situations, nothing will hit the spot like a Jump device does!

Neighbourhood and Estate Patrols

Led by smart cameras and smart security solutions monitored remotely and using AI, Jump is devoted to curbing crime in neighbourhoods and estates, creating safe spaces for all citizens. We offer highly trained and equipped Patrol teams to look after neighbourhood, business or estate 24 hours a day.

Our teams of uniformed community officers work closely with youth leaders, social workers, counsellors, educationalists, police, government institutions and other professionals within the field working to prevent crime.

Remote Monitoring and Access

Jump provides a platform for remote monitoring and access to your home or office from all your devices from any location in the world, contingent to an unlimited number of users.

We provide enterprise-grade video surveillance for your home or office with the added protection of having your own human security patrol nearby at a fraction of the cost. Remote Monitoring from our command centre that lets you know your loved ones and possessions are safe and sound at anytime, anywhere in the world with just one click of a button!

Smart cameras with AI

The Jump smart camera with artificial intelligence is the first on the market to have its own deep learning, contextual detection technology that identifies suspicious activity anywhere in your frames of video footage. The system will flag things like people staying too long after closing time, cars pulling up at odd hours, or anything unclear. It can detect hazardous situations and flag them for police, fire departments, hospitals, the military and other groups at risk of terrorist attacks or natural emergencies.

Suggestions are then given for how you can improve safety around your property and avoid any harm to yourself or others.

Smart City Surveillance

Jump presents a one-of-a-kind and custom built solution for Smart City Surveillance: eliminating human error and enhancing efficiency while giving law enforcement the tools to prevent crime before it even starts.

Are you running, cycling, driving--or just walking down the street? If so, then you are well aware that there are dangers lurking in every corner of your environment, no matter how ordinary or commonplace. Whether it be gangs targeting pedestrians for robbery or unscrupulous drivers mischievously littering byways with garbage can lids–our neighbourhoods have become more perilous than ever before!

Jump’s smart city surveillance systems are built to prioritise physical human safety and cybersecurity for African cities and to reduce security risk, minimize loss of life, property damage and economic losses from evildoers.