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Health & Medical32 posts

Gastroenteritis outbreak hits Lagos

An intestinal disease known as gastroenteritis has spread through Lagos infecting 117 people according to Commissioner for Health, Dr. Akin Abayomi, though the figure could be higher due to unreported cases. Out of the 117 reported cases, 107 are said to have been treated and discharged.  Gastroenteritis is a bacterial or viral infection causing the inflammation of the stomach and ...Read more
  • Health & Medical

Gastroenteritis outbreak hits Lagos

An intestinal disease known as gastroenteritis has spread through Lagos infecting 117 people according to Commissioner for Health, Dr. Akin Abayomi, though the figure could be higher due to unreported cases. Out of the 117 reported cases, 107 are said to have been treated and discharged.  Gastroenteritis is a bacterial or viral infection causing the inflammation of the stomach and ...Read more
  • Health & Medical