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The functions of the securities and exchange commision in nigeria

SEC warns against illegal investment outfits

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The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has criticized Ponzi plans' multiplication, depicting them as a danger to financial backers' insurance, working of a good and precise monetary market, and improving the economy.


Chief General of the SEC, Lamido Yuguda, expressed this during the kickoff of a two-day online class coordinated by the Attorney General Alliance-Africa in a joint effort with the commission on Tuesday.


Yuguda said the staggering effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy, the low-loan fee climate combined with the expanding utilization of online administrations had prodded the resurgence of unlawful speculation outfits.


He encouraged Nigerians to avoid counterfeit monetary specialists who might vow to twofold their cash inside a brief timeframe.


He said Ponzi conspire administrators had profited by the unforgiving financial environment to offer ridiculous profits from ventures to clueless financial backers. These illicit plans have likewise had the option to request new financial backers and expand their tasks through the increment in online administrations' utilization, he said.


Yuguda, notwithstanding, expressed that the SEC has a legal obligation to advance financial backer schooling and limit working in market activities, saying that the program is coordinated in promoting the mandate.

"This limit building project will permit members to learn contemporary and creative methods of battling and checking the hazard of Ponzi plans in Nigeria.


"I accept the information assembled from this program will give members better approaches for drawing nearer, evaluating, and handling the developing issue of Ponzi Schemes," he said.


He portrayed the program's topic as adept and its association ideal given the current difficulties going up against Nigeria's monetary area and its controllers.


"The inescapability of Ponzi plans subverts administrative endeavours in building up the capital market, and likewise contrarily affecting financial backers' certainty.


"Ponzi plans work with impractical models that at last lead to colossal misfortunes for financial backers. Following the MMM Ponzi plot's breakdown, the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) had assessed that more than 3,000,000 Nigerians lost about N18 billion. A few other unlawful speculation plans have cost Nigerians their resources and life investment funds," he expressed.


The SEC supervisor said the Commission's endeavours intending to Ponzi conspire difficulties are pointed toward securing financial backers and saving business sector uprightness, expressing that the Nigerian capital market should be a protected financial backer's objective.


He guaranteed that the SEC would keep on applying imaginative measures to battle Ponzi plans' exercises while looking for pertinent partners' collaboration.

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