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Crime in nigeria

Is Nigeria Dangerous? The Truth About Crime in Nigeria

Is Nigeria Dangerous? The Truth About Crime in Nigeria

Nigeria is a country that has been in the news for all of the wrong reasons. The recent kidnappings of two Italian priests, as well as over 200 school girls have brought negative attention to Nigeria. However, these are isolated incidents and not indicative of the safety situation throughout the country. In fact, crime rates in Nigeria are much lower than they are in many other parts of Africa or even around the world! If you're considering traveling to Nigeria, you should feel safe doing so - just be smart about it like you would anywhere else!

The truth about crime in Nigeria might surprise you!


Section 1: Nigeria Crime Statistics

According to statistics from the United States Department of State and United Nations, Nigeria has a higher rate of violent crime than the United States. By international standards, the country is fairly safe, however, some regions are plagued with insecurity. The most notorious part of the country is the Niger Delta. Due to its proximity to the United States, the area is known for drug smuggling, the shipping of guns, and also, oil theft.


For travelers who plan to visit the Niger Delta, it is important to read up on the dangers. Since the city of Warri is a port city, ships and tankers frequently pass through, making robbery a risk to those who live there. You should also be cautious of hitchhiking, which is often done by complete strangers.


Is Nigeria Dangerous?

Nigeria has a crime rate that is comparable to much of the developed world, including the United States. According to statistics compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, there are an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 violent crimes committed every year. Though it is important to note that crime is not the same thing as crime prevention - you cannot stop crime.


Armed robbers, kidnappers, and murders are a normal part of daily life in Nigeria. And crime is not limited to big cities. There are pockets of crime throughout Nigeria, including the small, rural communities of Abia State, which borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Safety Tips for Traveling to Nigeria

Don't hand over your passport unless it's absolutely necessary. You won't be asked to hand over your passport to anyone on the street, at customs, or at police stations. However, it may be asked of you in other places. Don't give up your passport unless you absolutely have to.


It's often difficult to tell if your passport is being stolen if it's under your arm.


Don't keep your passport at home or in your luggage.


Keep your passport in your handbag or wallet, not a purse or backpack.


Don't get on an airplane with your passport!


Travelers should also carry a photocopy of their passport with them while traveling and documentations like a driver's license and/or credit card could also be useful.



Nigeria is a great destination for travelers who love food, adventure and friendly people. If you want to find out more about how to get around the country or what to do in Abuja, I highly recommend visiting The Runaway Traveller. Nigeria is more safe than you might think!


About The Runaway Traveller


If you are a frequent traveler, you will know that it is a very common question that everyone must answer - is my country safe? Of course, it is impossible to compare every country, but if you take just a few minutes to view this informative video I have created, you will understand that Nigeria is a safe country to visit!




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