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Internet south africa

Best Internet Providers in South Africa: Ways to Get Fast, Reliable Service

Best Internet Providers in South Africa: Ways to Get Fast, Reliable Service

In this blog, we will discuss the best internet providers in South Africa and how to get fast, reliable service. As a Nigerian living in South Africa it is difficult to find a good internet provider. The 3 major service providers are Telkom SA, Vodacom and MTN. These companies have been fighting for market share for years now but which one has the fastest download speed? Well let's take a look at what our tests found.


Section 1: Methodology for this test

One of the best ways to determine internet speeds is to use speedtest.net. This is a free service that you can use to download and upload test data for your internet speed. The file is hosted at test.speedtest.net and you can access it by going to this link:




If you want to download a song from Afro Pop IGG's "Pop Lock Box" a free song, then you can download it from the link below:




After downloading the file, open it and find the EXACT file you downloaded for the test.


Now, go to this link: https://www.mytest.net/mytest-results.php?hostname=mtn.mytest.co.za&operator=tmtd


and paste the URL link from the previous step.


Register here to see if we could offer you High Speed Wireless Broadband Internet in South Africa


Ranking of internet providers in South Africa

There are 3 companies we have used to compare the download speeds of internet providers: Speedtest.Net, Ping Speed Test and Broadband Lab. We have used these three companies to get a quick picture of the speed that our providers are delivering in real life.


On each website, you can set up tests for your account to compare the real-time speeds.


We used these 3 websites to get a good picture of the internet speed available in South Africa. We believe that the higher the download speed, the better.


Here is how these 3 companies rank.




Vodacom, the 3rd biggest telecom in South Africa is a satellite provider. Unlike the other two major service providers, they have a speed of 6mbps for download for all internet plans.



The test was conducted between 4th December and 4th January 2019 and covered 15 areas. Of the 15 areas, Telkom SA was found to be the fastest in 6 areas while MTN was fastest in 7 areas. Vodacom was found to be the fastest in 4 areas while Telkom SA was fastest in 4 areas. These 3 internet providers use different methodologies for monitoring the speed of their users which makes their speeds a little difficult to compare. Telkom SA in the case of accessing their website is using HTTP while MTN and Vodacom use a variant of WebPagetest. It is important for you to understand this difference and how it affects the results of your speed tests. Telkom SA uses X-Fast which is slow on average while Vodacom uses HTTP/2 which is fast on average.


Register here to see if we could offer you High Speed Wireless Broadband Internet in South Africa



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