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Current Status of Nigerian's Entry to UK
Current Status of Nigerian's Entry to UK
Nigerians are currently not able to enter the UK without a visa. The process of obtaining a visa is lengthy and expensive, taking up to 12 months to complete the application process. This has had an effect on Nigerian students who wish to study in the UK, as well as Nigerians employed by international organisations or companies based in London. There have been numerous protests across Nigeria over this issue that have led to violence and even death threats against Nigerian politicians for their perceived inaction on this matter.
The British government has recently announced plans for changes that would allow Nigerians with dual nationality or residency status from another country access into Britain without needing a visa at all times whilst making it harder for those with no other citizenship options available. Whilst this change will
Section 1: Nigerian's Entry to UK
Section 2: Dual Nationality/Residency
Currently, the ability for Nigerians to enter the UK has a number of checkpoints, beginning at the Nigerian embassy in London, extending up to the point of getting your visa, and then you can travel throughout the country visa free for a period of time until you have completed the entire application process.
Whilst many of these measures are supposed to be for Nigerian government officials, international organisations and other types of diplomats, there are a number of obvious loopholes that have allowed visa fraud to flourish in recent years. In March this year, the National Crime Agency (NCA) announced that they have identified numerous attempts by fraudsters to exploit the visa application process for financial gain.
The UK Visa Process
needfully help Nigerians to come and study and work in Britain more easily, it does not solve the basic problems of the immigration system in Britain. Nigerians who enter Britain with a UK visa to stay more than 6 months will be required to apply for an onward visa from the UK government's immigration department. An overseas resident from another country who has the UK visa will not be required to have the same visa as the person who applied for it. It is for this reason that many Nigerians with dual nationality enter Britain with the intention of making a life for themselves and their families in Britain but can't in light of these rules.
An example of the difference between Nigerians living in the UK and those who have decided to make the UK their home is the need for a British spouse.
The UK Tourist Visa
Past Pakistani people have noted that there are no real checks on entering the UK as any Pakistani person can simply fly to the UK and be issued a tourist visa. This makes it easy for Pakistani people to enter the UK without ever having to prove that they intend to live in the country. Some Pakistani people have commented on how easy it is for a British person to obtain a tourist visa, as there are many individuals who make it their mission to "solicit" for Pakistani people to obtain tourist visas. The process of obtaining a UK visa can be exhausting and quite
Past Pakistani people have noted that there are no real checks on entering the UK as any Pakistani person can simply fly to the UK and be issued a tourist visa.
There is still so much we can do to help Nigerian migrants in need and others who have been affected by the economic and political changes we are experiencing. The actions we take today can have a direct effect on how the lives of the country's poorest citizens are changed in the future. We hope that through increased awareness of how they can access healthcare, financial support, and move safely in their new environment, the lives of many Nigerians who have been trapped in the throes of a corrupt and incompetent government will be improved.
Doleu Ayo is a Humanitarian who works for Global Poverty Projects, a charity that supports vulnerable people in Nigeria. When not working, she enjoys reading, travelling and spending time with her family.