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Romance, Love & Dating1 posts

3rd October: National Boyfriend Day

Today is National Boyfriend Day! Tips below on how to spoil him today, this weekend and as long as you both shall live! And on Valentine's day, maybe he will return these favors!


  1. The obvious: cook him a nice meal/ or order one/ or take him out on a date and pay. Those work too.
  2. Watch a sports game with him without complaining or distracting him.
  3. Send him cute selfies of yourself or of you guys together!
  4. Give him some space to decide how he wants to spend the day.
  5. Take him on a walk/drive for some bonding time.
  6. Take him out for drinks, alcoholic or or virgin cocktails work!
  7. Write him a love letter.
  8. Buy him a teddy bear, chocolates and some flowers. 
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