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Health & Medical1 posts

Autism Diagnosis: Prison Break Actor Wentworth Miller Shares

Renowed actor Wentworth Miller, famous for his lead role as Michael Scofield in the Prison Break Series, is sharing details the autism diagnosis he was given over the past year. 

 In an Instagram post, Miller, 49, explained that his initial self diagnosis of autism was followed by a formal diagnosis.  

He said: “This isn’t something I’d change. No. I get - got - immediately being autistic is central to who I am. To everything I’ve achieved/articulated,” Miller wrote.

He also thanked those who “gave me the extra bit of grace + space over the years, allowed me to move thru the world in a way that made sense to me whether or not it made sense to them.”

Miller has openly spoken about appearing in the  TV series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” As an openly gay man, he announced his preference to no longer play straight characters. a

“I’d like to tell — to watch — more stories where gay characters are informed by their struggles, but not defined,” he said, according to Entertainment Tonight.

“Not getting sacrificed so straight characters can enjoy some kind of epiphany. I don’t think that’s too much to ask,” he said, according to Entertainment Tonight. “It’s so important queer audiences — queer kids — see stories that don’t center suffering. See us empowered, in positions of authority. Moving through the world with purpose. Confidence. Dignity. It makes it easier to imagine those things are available to us in real life too.”


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