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Crime & Public Services1 posts

Military Apprehends Boko Haram Suppliers


As part of a reenergized effort to curtail the funds and activites of the Boko Haram, The Nigerian army arrested four suppliers to the insurgents along the Maiduguri road on Tuesday.

Among the items siezed wer: diesel disguised as palm oil, bread, grain, motorcycle spare parts, and marterials to be used in the manufacturing of Improvised Explosive Devices. These items, along with the vehicles belonging to the suppliers were subsequently destroyed. 

 Major General Olusegun Adeniyi stated that there was a ban on the sale of petrol and other commodities in order to halt the insurgent access. Certain commercial vehicle operators even went as far to modify their tank capacities to 200 liters in order to sell petrol to insurgents for N245. 

“There are no petrol stations in the Sambisa Forest, Algarno, Baga and Gwoza; the logistics sustaining the insurgents is coming from Maiduguri, Damaturu and other settlements," he disclosed. 

Officials stationed at checkpoints apprehended four vehicles enroute to deliver large amounts of supplies to the insurgents. 

The Nigerian public were cautioned to abstain from facilitating the insurgents with the threat of prosecution and the seizure and destruction of their vehicles and other property.

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